In 1919 , the latest Filippo Tommaso , future founder of the Italian movement , sensation when he wore a tie was a flashlight he had made himself. It had been designed so that the lamp blinks if he wanted to emphasize certain words or phrases in his speeches.
After nearly a century just , viable technology cut to wear a long way compared to the experience of those Tommaso , reaching this modern technology production stage bio- metric
-shirts , digital tattoos

The technological means to evolve and still moving from tools to the distinctive fashion, and to the possibility of a future in which technology can be integrated easily Bmlapsona and our lives.
For example, there are shirts controls the temperature, or change its shape to be appropriate for you. There are shirts that can provide you with energy, you can imagine that you will not need anymore to charge your cell phone using a wire, but it will be done through this shirt.
Says Amanda Parkes, an expert in the field of Fashion Technology in New York, it said that it is expected that technologies capable of wear become "less important than the mere practice, and more important in terms of convenience and personal experience."
But to reach this requires cooperation and integration between the two worlds seem distinct, and two technology and fashion.
Parkes says: "This does not mean that everyone needs to become an electrical engineer, and fashion designer, but it comes more from the ability to learn about the other side of the language to understand how to implement processes and understand the limitations and restrictions related. Each party."
Amanda Parks is working to develop ideas for ways to wear removable technology through fashion Manovaki_r New York company, where he headed the R & D department.
It embarked on two areas of the collision incident, in fact in some interesting shapes and unexpected, especially with the emergence of products that do not necessarily fit the typical definition of wearable technology
And operating company, "Theiss couture" newly based in Los Angeles was founded on the re-invention of the high-heeled women's shoes to make it more comfortable using plastic materials from ballistic components and polyurethane average heat.
This is done through the help of a diverse team that includes a rocket scientist and an astronaut, and an orthopedic surgeon, and a professional maker of Italian shoes, designer shoes, in addition to the researcher Amanda Parkes.
International Singh is leading the team, a company, "Theiss couture" Foundation, and former president of talent in the company, "SpaceX".
Parkes says: "The mere discussion management was a challenge for the company in the first meetings that we hoped. You translate modern technology to a modern fashion, and are trying to identify the priorities of the people and their approach and the way they work and their way of thinking."
And manages the Parks, that holds a doctorate in the media of concrete and a BA in art history, research and developmental side of the company, "Manovaki_r New York", a company specializing in fashion.
The company "Theiss couture" and one of the subsidiaries of the company "Manovki_r" companies. Parkes says: "What we're trying to do is integrate the two communities to create an ecosystem that combines fashion brands, designers rookies, technological and modern fashion."
The project is still in its early stages. However, wearable technology still has a long way to go, according to Parks that explained with reference to the early days of the Internet, saying: "When the Internet was created, it was perceived as a communication tool, but a bulletin board in the first place."

She added: "we never thought at first what would people creators from all Spectra, the juncture. But we know that her tremendous capabilities. "
Similarly, experts say wearable devices that have huge potential. And many companies jump into this area at the moment.
Shipments are expected to reach wearable devices around the world-all kinds of fitness bracelets to hours Bluetooth, to rings that some applications can run through them-to 110 million pieces by the end of this year, 237.1 million in 2020, according to a report by the information technology research firm, IDC.
For lbarks, these tools are just a starting point for wearable devices. The only real devices appear with shift to soft clothes texture that can allow for technology that are worn like regular clothes and smart materials and textiles.
Parkes said: "when we think of designs can interact when worn on the body, we think of the whole body. There are a lot of different measurements that can be used, which is not to measure the number of steps and get the heart rate as ".
Of course my heart rate is very exciting at the moment. For example, a shirt "Polo tech, Smartphone, from Ralph Lauren, heartbeat rate of wear, deep breathing, and his balance, adding to the work of other vital organs in the body, and then feeds that information to iPhone or Apple clock smart. The price that the smart shirt $ 295.
"We are moving to a place in which to categorize anything you purchase to wear it into two: intelligent and stupid," said David Norton, author of "digital context 2.0: seven lessons in business strategy, consumer behavior and Internet of things."

Norton explains: "While there is still a market for socks, shoes, shirts stupid, the brands that adopt intelligence will be able to differentiate itself and requests the difference in value and affect people's lives in ways not possible imaginable before."
Multidisciplinary future
The needs of those who work in this area to be able to work in different disciplines.
Todd Harbel, director of Intel's reconnaissance and strategic innovation of modern devices says: "People who work in this field to a variety of skills needs, including a background in computers, and the manufacture of clothing, requirements and other technical capabilities, in addition to understanding the customers, and how to overcome the art and technology Offers to create things consumers can enjoy it every day. "
Harbel and added that it also means the development and integration of software and hardware in the form of patterns and modern clothing.
For technology experts, the days of a lonely person stay in the lab or the company of others with the same mentality to create hardware basics may be nearing an end.
In the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, there are no courses in the field of technologies capable of wear yet. Instead, the college will take a more integrated approach, according to Joan Orbakl, Dean of the Faculty of Art and Design at the Fashion Institute of Technology. Orbakl adds: "This is a feature of the world in which the students live."