Many computer problems occur and the inexperienced user stands helpless,He thinks they are big problems and they need a maintenance technician to solve them,But often the problem is very simple and can be addressed by anyone, and this role of Arab technology is to facilitate simple maintenance and clarify the causes and methods of treatment, without having to carry the device and search for a computer repair shop.
These problems are not connected to the Internet, the inability to communicate with friends via Messenger, and the inability to synchronize devices across the network.
In most cases, the problem is caused by the failure to save time and date
It is in the PC due to the depletion of the motherboard battery, which is a clock stone that gives 3 volts and its main task is to save time and date.
We offer a great selection of free programs that can help solve the problem completely without touching any hardware piece.
Time-Sync is one of the most important programs
The program is free and easy in the settings works to set the time and date and works like basic system services exactly when you start the computer.
It integrates directly with the operating system as soon as it is installed and performs automatic synchronization when booting.
If the battery is empty, you can prevent time synchronization by selecting the "Synchronize every day" option.
Then you press OK and close the program and will run in the background with very little RAM
Specifications and download Time-Sync
The size of the program is 1.1 MB
Available in English and German
The license is free
the program website is speed-soft
Download Time-Sync
Available in English and German
The license is free
the program website is speed-soft
Download Time-Sync
Dimension 4
It is considered one of the most famous programs working in this field, which is automatic adjustment of time and date
Similar to the program Time-Sync, but more accurate and professional settings after the installation of the program is automatically run in the background of the system as a built-in service to set the time and date, but first you have to adjust the settings as explained in two steps
After entering the settings or "Settings"
You enable these options Load Dimension 4 at startup and Once loaded, wait until online
Then go to the How Often section
Select this option Synchronize once, then exit
Then cancel the Maximum correction option
Finally click on Ok
Select this option Synchronize once, then exit
Then cancel the Maximum correction option
Finally click on Ok
Specifications and download Dimension 4
The size of the program is 292 KB
The license is free
The program page thinkman
Download Dimension 4
The license is free
The program page thinkman
Download Dimension 4
It is a portable tool to display the correct time and date by connecting to the NIST server when requesting the display of time and date
By clicking Get Time
The main problem is that it does not integrate with the system because it is portable it should be placed in the StartUp folder if you want to make it start with the system startup
Does not require special settings
The location of the program is horstmuc
Download TimeSync 32 - bit kernel
Download TimeSync 32 - bit kernel
Download the kernel 64 bit
NetTime works to set the time and date by relying on the actual time synchronization on the Internet via the network protocol SNTP and by using 4 servers to communicate and switch between the modem in case of any error in the connection to one
It features support for all current Windows operating systems from Windows XP, 7,8,81,10
You must adjust the program settings once at the start of the program after installation
Press the Settings button
Activate the option
"Start NetTime service at bootup"
Enter the value "1" in the "Automatically Check For Updates every day" field
Click Ok and then close all windows
Activate the option
"Start NetTime service at bootup"
Enter the value "1" in the "Automatically Check For Updates every day" field
Click Ok and then close all windows
Timesynctool program page
Download NetTime
Download NetTime