The difference between RGB and CMYK color systems and choosing the best for printing

 Do you know, my dear, what is the difference between color systems,

 specifically between RGB and CMYK, they are the most common

, there are others such as YUV and YCbCr and others, 

in Photoshop you can find a detail of color systems like this


The difference between RGB and CMYK color schemes and choosing the best for printing

 RGB color mode (millions of colors)


CMYK color mode (four-color printed)


Index mode (256 colors)


Grayscale mode (256 colors)


Bitmap (2 colors)

 This is not the topic of the article 

but the main topic is

 the difference between RGB and CMYK systems and The uses of each type

Unfortunately, many designers do not care about this matter, 

and it is believed that the color system will be modified automatically 

when printing, but this is not correct.

The conversion is not done exactly the same, 

rather there is a deficiency in some color values, 

which are not included when printing.

We explain together each color system separately, 

to know what technology this system is built upon.

Firstly, RGB system

 The difference between RGB and CMYK color schemes and choosing the best for printing

  The letters indicate red, green, blue


R - is red


G - green


B - Blue


They are the basic colors that, when mixed, produce the colors

And when mixed with intensity, it produces white, 

and when it is absent, it produces black

This system is called light or fluorescent colors, 

and therefore it is the ideal choice for different display devices, 

screens and cameras

It can be modified to one or all of the three basic colors 

to obtain another color

Usually the scale is for selection from 0 to 255

The greater the value you add to the primary color, 

the more intense it will be, and vice versa, 

when you reduce the value to the color of them, 

it becomes dark or dark.

For your information, the RGB system is not a unified system,

 as some think, but rather it is multiple versions such as,

 sRGB and Adobe RGB

 This system is not ideal for printing as it slows down the printing process

 because the printer switches the color system before completing the process

However, there are a few more economically expensive printers

 that support RGB printing without converting

But it is best used for

 photography, projectors, TV and digital broadcasting devices or on the web


Second, CMYK color system

 The difference between RGB and CMYK color systems and choosing the best for printing

Cyan C-Cyan

Purple M-Magenta

Yellow Y- Yellow

Black which is Key K- Black

CMYK system is the opposite of RGB color, 

when controlling, as we mentioned

 that the absence of color in the RGB system produces black color

 The absence of color in the CMYK system produces white!

 The difference can be easily identified, 

as mixing the four colors results in a more accurate color image 

than the three-color system.

The output of tones cannot be obtained in an RGB system

Certainly, you find that the images sent to you,

 on the web or in the mail,

 are less accurate and the colors do not match,

 because most browsers do not support the CMYK four-color system and depend,

 as we mentioned earlier, on the RGB system

  It should be remembered that basic colors such as

 red, blue and green are not bright in the CMYK system

Now, after reviewing the characteristics of each color system,

 we find that the RGB system depends on adding colors to show them


As for the CMYK system,

 it depends on removing color by reducing its degree to white,

 which is best suited for printing


Like the color of the paper is white

Not suitable for use on web or display screens

 The difference between RGB and CMYK color systems and choosing the best for printing

You can convert the color system between RGB and CMYK easily

It can be done via as follows

The difference between RGB and CMYK color systems and choosing the best for printing

Open the image whose color scheme you want to change.

    Click Image from the top horizontal menu.

    Click on the first option in the list called Mode.

    Click on the little black arrow and select CMYK.


Adobe Photoshop Express for Mobile


RGB system is a fluorescent color system, used for display and not for printing,

 due to the intention of printers supporting it to produce faded images

The CMYK system is a tracking system,

 which is the best and on which most printers rely.

 It is not used on the web or display devices, 

you will find that the colors are too saturated. 

Mohamed Swidan

An Egyptian working in computer maintenance like everything related to technology . Hardwear. programs . useful information and technical support

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