How to Restore create a New Folder in the right click Option

With the use of Windows system for a long time exposed to many of the problems
😕 either through the use of wrong or viruses infect the software or operating system version may not complete the foundation

Hence, the system loses some of the operating characteristics of which may stop some tasks, such as creating a new file property run by pressing right click right click and choose to create a file surprised not to the existence of this option or was present and disappeared

How to Restore create a new file New Folder in the right click option

Mention here how to solve this problem and explain the pictures 

before the start of the review of the appropriate solution that not only works in the event log files become corrupted due to the age of the Windows system and use different applications some of which may affect Sometimes those files
But if the damage caused by viruses or cleaning tools that are not compatible with the operating system or even protection that does not fit with your system software capabilities at that time will not fix a useful record and the best solution is to re-install a copy of the Windows operating system means the stands and wind alone
Explain how the solution through leadership Editor
Can know whether the special register your ban of log files in the beginning of the truck can only run with me lasted parked 👂👀

Open the list of run and then write regedit
How to Restore create a new file New Folder in the right click option

Click OK
then go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\New

How to Restore create a new file New Folder in the right click option

Which must be seen on the right side this value

How to Restore create a new file New Folder in the right click option
This was the correct value
But If there is a change it can be returned to its predecessor as follows pressing right click on the word Default and choose Modify
How to Restore create a new file New Folder in the right click option
And we are developing the value that we have mentioned a {D969A300-E7FF-11d0-A93B-00A0C90F2719} We then clicking on the ok, and eventually we work to restart the computer to be activated 😘 option

thanks for reading      

Mohamed Swidan

An Egyptian working in computer maintenance like everything related to technology . Hardwear. programs . useful information and technical support

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